Redcliffe Garage Crawl

A midweek run for the retirees to get together to check out what some friends are up to in their garages!
A midweek run for the retirees to get together to check out what some friends are up to in their garages!
Saturday February 8 saw a number of us head down the Coast road for our annual BBQ bash at Greg’s and Helen’s beautiful home overlooking views of the Gold Coast.
Harrigans at Calypso Bay was the venue for our end of year Christmas celebration
Once again an awesome event, well organized and well run by Borderline Street Rodders Inc club.
Fathers Day is always a good opportunity to get out the Hot Riod, so why not take it to church!
Always a big roll-up of cool rods and customs for a casual afternoon to catch up with fellow enthusiasts
While Teddy was in Mackay, he took the opportunity to cruise with the Mackay Rod & Custom Club
A very enjoyable time was had by a small group from Rod Squad visiting East Coast Race Cars at Wonglpong.
Some of the retirees from Rod Squad enjoyed a midweek adventure to Eagle Farm, Brisbane.